Jennifer Yu, Maid of Honour
- 1. The Bossy One
- 2. Surprisingly patient
- 3. Korean culture fanatic
- 4. Loves lovey dovey dramatic romance novels
- 5. Amazing selfie taker
- 6. Afternoon Tea!
- 7. Can watch 2days and 1night while she's sleeping
- 8. Owns 20+ scarves.
Sharon Yu, Bridesmaid
- 1. Family job title: Diplomat
- 2. Surprisingly REALLY impatient
- 3. Korean culture fanatic
- 4. Loves fantasy novels
- 5. Loves Astronomy
- 6. Afternoon Tea!
- 7. Sharon's, Jennifer's, and Grandma Yu's birthdays all have a common pattern
- 8. Owns over 30 men's shirts, just to sleep in!